Friday, May 10, 2013

Solitaire Whizz 1.1 released

An update to Solitaire Whizz for iPad has been released to the App Store. This update features a few small changes and fixes to some of the solitaire games included in the compendium. In particular:

  • the version of Pyramid (also known as Pyramid 13) included now allows for up to 2 redeals instead of just 1 (different sources suggest a different number of redeals, but with 1 it was decided that the game was too difficult to solve most of the time)
  • a fix for FreeCell to allow any card to fill and empty column (effectively turning an empty column into an additional free cell under many circumstances), in line with the usual rules

For more information about the changes, please see the Solitaire Whizz entry in iTunes.

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